Aston Air Conditioning and Refrigeration is a leading mechanical services contractor with proven expertise in design and installation including maintenance of commercial and residential air conditioning systems. Ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all personnel at Aston Air Conditioning and Refrigeration and the communities we operate within is an integral part of our business.
We have defined our safe systems of work within our Business Management System and Work Health and Safety Management Plan. These documents incorporate the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 45001, relevant industry standards and legal regulations to enable safe work practices and minimise work related injury and illness.
We are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment, complying with health and safety legislation and statutory requirements and continually improving our health and safety systems. We will achieve this by:
- Providing and maintaining all necessary resources to enable the safe use, handling and storage of plant, structures and substances and ensure all works are completed safely;
- Involving our personnel in the decision-making process through regular communication, consultation and training;
- Providing a continuous program of education and learning to ensure that our personnel work in the safest possible manner;
- Identifying, controlling and effectively managing potential hazards in the workplace;
- Promptly reporting, recording and investigating all incidents; and
- Ensuring the management team monitor, review, supervise and enforce health and safety policies, and procedures.
The successful implementation and maintenance of our health and safety systems is dependent on the personal cooperation and commitment of people working with our Organisation, whether they are employees, contractors or clients. Management will ensure adequate resources are available to achieve our objectives and ensure a safe and healthy workplace.
Our health and safety policy is regularly reviewed with related objectives and targets set and maintained accordingly.
Shane Bradford, Director